ALCO Featherweight (JAP Model 3) engine rebuild
Moving a Harrison M300 lathe
Modifying an Astra vertical/horizontal mill
A cheap and simple workshop crane
Tom Senior M1 horizontal mill before and after rebuilding
Modifying a Tom Senior Major and adding a Bridgeport head
A few useful machining links
BeebControl takes shape...
Not directly related to the above content, but anyone interested in BBC Micro 8-bit computer control and interfacing should find my BeebControl pages a good read as they're now being fleshed out. I'm still collecting information and material for these pages which will be primarily concerned with control via the BBC Micro and to some extent related RISC OS machines, but I hope even owners of PC/Mac based equipment may find some aspects useful. If you have any documentation or equipment related to this topic I'd be happy to give it a new home and perhaps feature it on the site.
All content on this site is © neil f, 2003-2018.
Contact me via: web dot master at riscy dot uk
Please link to this site if you've found it helpful.